Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cloning in General and Ethics of Cloning Thesis

Cloning in General and Ethics of Cloning - Thesis Example Philosophers have a different point-of-views with regards to the practice of human cloning. In line with this, several philosophers such as the case of Julian Savulescu, Gregory E. Pence, and Nicholas Agar are in support of human cloning practices. On the other hand, philosophers like Leon Richard Kass strongly oppose the practice of biotechnology or human cloning. For instance, a Romania-Australian bioethicist and philosopher named Julian Savulescu published some of his writings in order to argue that the use of stem cell research should be highly promoted regardless of whether or not a person would consider an embryo as a human being. Savulescu argued that parents should be given the opportunity to choose the best child a married couple can have through the study of genetic information. Furthermore, Savulescu explained that the process of killing some embryos can be justifyiable given that the said action could benefit more people in the future (Wilkinson, Kahane and Horne; Kahane and Savulescu). Even though this particular biotechnology would mean killing an embryo or a fetus, Savulescu concludes that embryonic stem cell research should be justified because this process could eventually help the adults have more opportunity for tissue or organ transplantation whenever necessary.An expert in medical ethics and a philosophy professor at the University of Alabama in Birmingham named Gregory E. Pence is one of the few bioethicists who strongly supports the practice of human cloning (Pence).

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