Friday, July 26, 2019

Workers Compensation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Workers Compensation - Research Paper Example The history of worker’s compensation has been gradually transformed and improved in management policies of different countries. Currently, American employers provide their employees with insurances funded by them Medical and rehabilitation costs should be covered by employers as well. There is an evident improvement in the sphere of worker’s compensation in the world in comparison with the ancient times. Historical overview of worker’s compensation During the ancient times, it was suggested to compensate a worker’s bodily injury in case he got a trauma at work. The code of Hammurabi approved in 1750 B.C. describes different ways of compensation of bodily injury. Basically, the principle of equality and just was the main trigger of this Code (Lencsis, 1998). For example, if a man slave lost his bodily part of was injured he should receive monetary compensation. There was no exact definition of impairment or disability, but the roots of further development of worker’s compensation have been already seen. Further on, the worker’s compensation has been developed, amended and improved. A concept of a nobleness of a lord, who cares for his injured slave, has been widely propagated during the Medieval Ages. The roots of American worker’s compensation should be found in the Prussian system. The main principles was that injures at work were equal to life situations and an employer had to compensate bodily injures to his workers.

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