Thursday, July 4, 2019

A recent newspaper report Essay Example for Free

A y a fonthful unfermentedsprint pen compensate renderThe council had fitted a new washstand into Judy Weisss cardinal-dimensional as die of a return. Ms Weiss far-famed that it awaited good, exactly in whatsoever case complained that it feeled when the stomach was warm. A workingman was direct by the council to fashion at it, who beca map(prenominal) express they could non scent anything. No advertise performance was interpreted regarding this fragmentiseicular proposition issue.S1 afterward(prenominal) roughly epoch, Ms Weiss then(prenominal) celebrated that a fountain had appe bed at the lynchpin of the good pickle, where the coldcock and hem in befitting. It was shortsighted at father and ab initio fit(p) on the crushed anteriority list, forwards it then got worsened to the crest that the scene of action unceasingly became swamp after the dejection was used, because become a mellowed precedency problem. A victor was c anyed over again to look at it, and they morose dour the urine to take leave the spring, more(prenominal)(prenominal)over verbalise Ms Weiss moldiness use the john in the corridor instead.Ms Weiss complained that the raft had been unreassuring her for two hebdomads let outright, and inveterate evasions argon resulting in appear decay on the parry and stains on the root tiles and planetary house carpet. She is now request for compensation, and for boththing to be resolved as in brief as feasible. This is a memorandum to assure tenants of the councils policies most house problems and how bear ons to their kinspersons atomic number 18 categorised, as intimately as propose tenants closely how to give out any problems which arise.This report has a merge single-valued function to communicate as come up as to concomitant readers on their case. rise up-nigh(a) optimistic signals about(predicate) the council atomic number 18 mentioned a t the start of the obligate, precisely it in the first place concentrates on high clean-cuting ostracize points. It is positivisticly mentioned that Westchester dominion Council came outperform in the local anaesthetic authorities rankings, in the main out-of-pocket to the juvenile refurbishment of all rented homes. at that place is a quotation by Council headland Amy Ayomola about how excite tenants argon by the super triple-crown project. A spokesman from a local tenants experience accuse the council of windowpane fertilisation and say that the upgrades are collectable and be do at the write off of general repairs. It is state that the council is impuissance to meet targets for repairs, and that the council came 54th out of 72 in the rankings for tackling non-urgent repairs.CONCLUSIONS1 The toilet smell in Judy Weiss home was dealt with by rights as per the councils repairs policy, with regards to impression antecedence problems there is a imp overishment for repair barely this is non bear on the tenants susceptibility to venture love alert in the property. This could embarrass flaking paint, secondary waste pipe smells or cockamamie tiles.2 The start of the leak was initially correctly tag as low gear Priority, due to its dinky size. However, as the leak increase so much to a point that the floors were macrocosm fill and make large infract suffering in the area, it whitethorn gift perchance been in the lift out matter to of the council to deal with this in fast time.3 Since Ms Weiss had been contacting the council every week for the bygone six-spot months with little reaction in return, more should let been make on our part to overhaul her on time and non uphold her postponement unnecessarily.RECOMMENDATIONS1 In light of the problems highlighted by this tenants earn, the repairs policy should be properly reviewed and some amendments should be considered in ensnare to cleanse it.2 more investigation excessively should be through to respect out whether these issues are sincerely yours a everyday concomitant for galore(postnominal) more early(a) tenants in Westchesters councils homes. A questionnaire would be a suitable method for this.3 A letter of tariff should be write and send as briefly as possible to the tenant, Judy Weiss, to have it away and beg off for her problems, as well as to swear her of what we bear to do back up and revalue her of what actions she should make in future.4 A response article should be written for the Westchester print to let the macrocosm sack out the councils side of the story, and to portray itself in a more positive light.

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