Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Life At A Public School - 1151 Words

I grew up on a farm in southwestern Iowa outside of a town named Harlan. My dad is a farmer and has not moved out of our county his entire life. My mom was a teacher in the Harlan School District for 27 years, before resigning in 2013. I spent much of my childhood split between two places: our family farm and my mom’s classroom. I ran through the cornfields just as much as I ran through the hallways of her school. As time went on, I spent less time on the farm and more time in classrooms. My mom worked at a public elementary school, so that is where my parents decided to send me. I started at a public school and graduated from a public school. I have been in a public school my entire life, I want to teach in a public school as well. I like the economic and religious diversity that comes with the public school. Harlan is a small town, so there is only one private school. The private school is Catholic and has a higher tuition cost than the public school. Many students in our public school system either could not afford the tuition of the private school or were not Catholic. I like that a public school allows everyone to gain knowledge and is not just limited to a select group of individuals. There is not much racial diversity in the Harlan school district. My school was predominantly white, with maybe three or four students in each grade level who identified as a minority. Gender diversity in students was split evenly between male and female. However, most teachers wereShow MoreRelatedMy Life After College For The Public School Lunch System841 Words   |  4 PagesDiscovering My Path in Life When I graduated from college in spring 2015 with my Bachelor in Nutrition, I thought I knew exactly how my life after college was going to be like. My mission is to create a change to the public school lunch system; to help children learn how to love and enjoy a healthy and nutritious meal. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Esf Function #8 Free Essays

Executive Summary Introduction to Emergency Management Taylor Carl Mr. Jonathon Johnson October 12, 2012 The Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF #8) from FEMA details support services related to public health and medical services. The primary agency in control of ESF #8 is the Department of Health and Human Services. We will write a custom essay sample on Esf Function #8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are responsible for providing assistance during â€Å"a public health and medical disaster, potential or actual incident requiring a coordinated Federal response, and/or during a developing potential health and medical emergency†, (2008, FEMA, p. 1). Assistance for medical needs covers mental and behavioral health as wells as substance abuse. Assistance is provided in the following core function areas under ESF #8: assessment of public health/medical needs, health surveillance, medical care personnel, health/medical/veterinary equipment and supplies, patient evacuation, patient care, safety and security of drugs, biologics, and medical devices, blood and blood products, food safety and security, agriculture safety and security, all-hazard public health and medical consultation, technical assistance and support, behavioral health care, public health and medical information, vector control, potable water/wastewater and solid waste disposal, mass fatality management, victim identification, and decontaminating remains, and veterinary medical support (2008, FEMA, p. 1-2). All Federal responses are handled by the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The Secretary is also in charge of the assets during a public health emergency with exception of the member of the Armed Forces. They are responsible for coordinating all preparedness, response, and recovery actions consistent with all internal policies and procedures of the Department of Health and Human Services. Once support agencies receive instructions from the Secretary, they are responsible for controlling their resources. The Emergency Management Group (EMG) is responsible for handling the ESF #8 response for the ASPR and must remain in constant contact with the National Operations Center (NOC). All organizations involved in response operations must report public health and medical requirements to their appropriate representative. These representatives are stationed in the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC), the Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC), and the Joint Field Office (JFO). A â€Å"Joint Information Center (JIC) will be established to coordinate incident-related public information†, (2008, FEMA, p. 2). The JIC is able to release information to the public in regards to general medical and public health response. For community issues, a recognized spokesperson will issue communications when possible. Should there be a zoonotic disease outbreak, ESF #8 must coordinate with ESF #11 (Agriculture and Natural Resources). Public information may be released after consultation with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). During a oil, chemical, biological, or radiological environmental contamination, ESF #8 must coordinate with ESF #10 (Oil and Hazardous Materials) to release information. When action is needed, the ASPR alerts HHS personnel. The ASPR may also request personnel for liaison communications at the HHS Headquarters command locations. The ESF #8 staff stationed in the RRCC and JFO â€Å"will conduct a risk analysis, evaluate, and determine the capability required to meet the mission objective and provide required public health and medical support† assistance to the appropriate parties (2008, FEMA, p. 3). During initial activation, HHS will coordinate conference calls with supporting agencies to discuss and determine response actions. During the assessment process, HHS working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), mobilizes and deploys ESF #8 personnel. During surveillance, HHS monitors public health using field studies and investigations, monitors disease patterns and potential outbreaks, performs blood and blood product vigilance along with monitoring blood supply levels, and provides technical assistance and consultation on disease prevention. Immediate medical responses are handled by HHS’s internal assets. While most equipment and supplies are deployed from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Veterans Affairs (VA) may also provide them to health care facilities in a disaster area. Should there be a need a veterinary supplies, assets may be requested from the National Veterinary Stockpile (2008, FEMA, p. 4-5). During an emergency situation, ESF #8 is charged with transporting those seriously ill or injured patients, and medical needs population to designated areas. They may request the assistance of the DOD, VA, or FEMA. When patients are not necessarily in a disaster area but still require evacuation assistance, ESF #8 provides personnel for medical services through civil service staff, US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, regional offices, and States. ESF #8 must ensure safety and security of drugs, biologics, and medical devices. Biologics, including blood, blood products, organs, and vaccines, must be monitored to ensure availability and safety. Federally regulated foods must meet safety and security requirements monitored by ESF #8 and ESF #11. This authority is extended to all domestic and imported foods except meat, poultry, and egg products. In addition, ESF #8 and ESF #11 must ensure the health and safety of food-producing animals(2008, FEMA, p. 5-6). Worker Safety and Health is led by the Department of Labor (DOL). ESF #8/HHS acts a support agency. ESF #8 may require assistance from regional offices in â€Å"assessing public health, medical, and veterinary medical effects resulting from all hazards†, (2008, FEMA, p. 6). This may include assessments on the general public and high-risk population groups, field investigations, providing advice on human and animal exposures, advice on indirect exposures such as food, water, and drug contamination, and â€Å"providing technical assistance and consultation on medical treatment, screening, and decontamination of injured or contaminated individuals†, (2008, FEMA, p. 6). Behavioral health care is handled by ESF #8 and partner organizations to assess mental health and substance abuse needs. This may include â€Å"emotional, psychological, psychological first aid, behavioral, or cognitive limitations requiring assistance or supervision†, (2008, FEMA, p. 7). ESF #8 provides public health, disease, and injury prevention information to the public in multiple languages and formations for those with limited English proficiency or learning disabilities. ESF #8 works with other partner organizations to assess and handle vector-borne disease threats. This includes research and investigation, equipment and supplies, and providing technical assistance and consultation. ESF #8 assists in potable water, wastewater, and solid waste disposal. This includes examining contaminated water for public health effects. ESF #8 works with partner organizations track and document human remains, including reducing hazards associated with contaminated remains. They may set up temporary morgue facilities, determine the cause of death, collect postmortem information, use scientific means to identify human remains, and provide technical assistance and consultation. They may request assistance from partner organizations to provide support to families of victims during the postmortem process (2008, FEMA, p. 7). ESF #8 works closely with ESF #11 to provide veterinary medical support. This may include caring for research animals when ESF #11 does not have the expertise. They must protect the health of livestock and companion services animals by ensuring safety of food and drugs administered (2008, FEMA, p. 8). ESF #8 requires many support agencies to be fully functional. The HHS works closely with the USDA for personnel, supplies, and equipment. They also assist with nutrition, outbreak control of animal disease, and food safety. The DOD performs many functions for ESF #8. They provide support for patient evacuation, logistical support to public health/medical response operations, personnel for casualty clearing, patient reception and tracking, personnel for protection of public health, emergency medical support, managing humaning remains, evaluation and risk management, and provide blood products (2008, FEMA, p. 10-11). The DHS helps with ESF #8 by providing communication support, offering transportation support if necessary, providing hazard predictions relating to atmospheric releases, and enforcing international quarantines. FEMA assists with mobilization centers, transport of resources, emergency food and water supplies, equipment and medical supplies, and transportation of patients considered too ill or incapable of general evacuation (2008, FEMA, p. 12-13). The HHS must ensure proper staffing to coordinate efforts for medical assistance to an affected area. They must support and assist State, tribal, and local communities in an emergency. Their primary duties include monitoring blood and blood supplies, forming liaisons for communications, coordinating patient evacuation, and working with the USDA to ensure food safety. REFERENCES Emergency Support Function #8 – Public Health and Medical Services Annex. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Retrieved from www. fema. gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-esf-08. pdf How to cite Esf Function #8, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Selective Mutism free essay sample

To provide practical guidelines for the assessment and treatment of children with selective mutism, in light of the recent hypotnesis that selective mutism might be best conceptualized as a childhood anxiety disorder. Method: An extensive literature review was completed on the phenomenology, evaluation, and treatment of children with selective mutism.Additional recommendations were based on clinical experience from the authors selective mutism clinic. Results: No systematic studies of the phenomenology of children with selective mutism were found. Reports described diverse and primarily noncontrolled treatment approaches with minimal follow-up information. Assessment and treatment options for selective mutism are presented, based on new hypotheses that focus on the anxiety component of this disorder. Ongoing research suggests a role for behavior modification and pharmacotherapy similar to the approaches used for adults with social phobia. Conclusion: Selectively mute children deserve a comprehensive evaluation to identify primary and comorbid problems that might require treatment. A school-based multidisciplinary individualized treatment plan is recommended, involving the combined effort of teachers, clinicians, and parents with home- and clinic- based interventions (individual and family psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy) as required. We will write a custom essay sample on Selective Mutism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Concept of Otherness

Introduction Otherness is the quality or condition of being different. In this world, people always come up with sets of differences that are based on the color of the skin, nationality, and even sexuality. These are the factors that we as individuals use to categorize ourselves as ‘us’ separating ourselves from ‘them’ or simply ‘the other’.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Otherness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On most occasions, we give a lot of privilege to the group that we identify with in the society. We see the ‘other’ groups as irrational, immature, emotional, inferior and of a lower social status. Individuals categorized as the other are understood as lacking a sense belonging and generally different in some important areas. The other is usually seen as one who lacks some important characteristics that a group possesses. In a society, the other usually has few or no rights at all, as such, he may be labeled as stupid or less intelligent or as one lacking in morals. He may therefore be treated as less human. Mostly, the other may be of a different, race, nationality, religion, or sex, and the group which categorizes the other may be a particular social class, a family, a community within a society, or the entire society (Melani, 2009). Everywhere you go, you see him, in the market place in the banking hall and on the streets. Everyone seems to avoid him and ignore his existence. Even those who know him are hesitant to approach him because they know the consequences of doing so. The fact that he is not part of the crowd means that anyone acknowledging him will also be avoided or laughed at. This is how Sherman (2011) has presented the concept of otherness. She explores the life of the Indians in the reservationists and the conflicts that occur in their daily life. We see that there are those who do not like associa ting with the old Indian lifestyle. They therefore regard those who are still practicing it to be behind, socially inferior, to lack something fundamental; they simply see them as the ‘other’ (Sherman, 2011). Author’s perspectives Sherman relates strongly to this story. First he was born of an Indian mother; therefore, he was not a full Indian just like Thomas in the story. He was born with a brain complication and therefore, he was not expected to grow up normally. Just like Thomas in the story, Sherman also grew up on an Indian reservation. In an effort to find a better education, Sherman enrolled at Reardon high school in Washington where he was the only Indian. This shows that Sherman has at one moment felt and treated as the â€Å"other† in his life as it happened to Thomas in this story. Judging from his success in life, Sherman used this story to show that categorizing people as other is wrong because these others can sometimes be more helpful than those we regard as one of us (â€Å"Biography†, 2010, P. 1).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sherman (2011) tells the story of Thomas who has been categorized as the other. First, he is categorized as the ‘other’ by Victor while in line at the trading post. He says that he saw Thomas talking to himself as he always did. That he was a storyteller that no one wanted to listen to. He was even surprised that Thomas knew of his father’s death. In fact, Victor was embarrassed to talk to him. The people at the trading post were also surprised to see Victor talking to Thomas. This means that Thomas was already placed in a category that we will call the other. He did not want to ask Thomas for help. We are also told that Victor used to beat Thomas for no reason at all as the other boys cheered on. The girl who came to his rescue also wonders why it was just him that they picked on and not other boys. Victor is also embarrassed when Thomas starts conversing with a beautiful lady in the plane. He called him ‘that crazy Indian story teller with ratty old braids and broken teeth’ (Sherman, 2011, p. 1). Sherman (2011) is quite critical about the way that the society treats the others especially when it is on baseless grounds. Through the story of Thomas he shows that treating others as the other is so bad that it makes people ungrateful to others. An act of ungratefulness is seen when Thomas gave a lending hand to Victor. Even after Thomas had helped out Victor, he says at the end of the story that he knew that he couldn’t be friends with him. He acknowledges that it is cruel, but real. The whole society has categorized Thomas as the other (Sherman, 2011). References â€Å"Biography†. (2010). Sherman Biography. Falls Apart. Web. Melani, B. (2009). The other. Academic Brooklyn. Retrieved from: http://academic.brooklyn .cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/other.htmlAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Otherness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sherman, A. (2011). This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona. E Notes. Retrieved from: https://www.enotes.com/topics/this-what-means-say-phoenix-arizona This essay on The Concept of Otherness was written and submitted by user Camilo F. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

India essays

India essays Indias modern history begins in the 14th century when European nations began to flex their imperialistic muscles in the Middle East and Asia. The Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English were all competing for their own part of India. Everything began with the East India Company, which was established by the British in 1600 to challenge the Dutch-Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade. Queen Elizabeth granted the company monopoly rights to bring goods from India. With the approval of local Indian rulers, the East India Company established trading posts in Madras, Bombay and Calcutta. The company was now trading in cottons, silks, indigo, saltpeter and tea, and had a monopoly of this trade until 1694 when the House of Commons passed an act that enabled all British firms to trade with India. The East India Company retained its dominant position and continued to make large profits from India and by 1720, 15% of Britain's imports came from India. In the beginning of 17th century, Europeans, particularly British, started trading in the subcontinent. Merchants of the East India Company never imagined that British presence in the subcontinent could mean anything more than peaceful trading. The French arrived in the middle of the 17th century, signaling the beginning of militarism. Within 100 years the French were a spent force and the British possessed the most efficient military machine in the subcontinent. In the early 1800s India was still seen as an extremely attractive country to western imperial powers. Traders were interested in Indias rare spices, rices, silk, sugar cane and fine muslins. For this reason the British East India Company took control of the country in around 1818, defeating the ruling ancient Mogul empire. In the late 1800s new nationalist reform movements began to develop in India. In 1885 the Indian National Congress (INC) formed. It became the major organization representing Ind...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Should I Go to a College Near Me

Should I Go to a College Near Me SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Location is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a college. So how do you decide whether to go to school close to home or far away? It’s not an easy choice, and a lot of it depends on your personality and what you want to do in college. In this article I’ll go through the positives and negatives of attending college close to home and how you can decide whether it’s the right choice for you. Overview There are some positive and negative aspects of going to school close to home that will most likely apply to any student. Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons. The Positives: You can get supportfrom your family through stressful times and illnesses. You already know the area well, so you’ll feel more comfortable and secure. If you’re going to a state school near home, in-state tuition will run you an average of about $15,000 a year as compared to out of state public school tuition, which is $25,000 a year on average ($35,000 if you’re looking at private schools) You’ll save about $10,000 a year on room and board if you choose to live at home while you go to school, not to mention the money you’ll save on food and laundry. If you live and school and start feeling homesick, you can just go home for the weekend! You'll be able to see your high school friends more frequently. Packing for college won’t be as stressful;if you forget anything, you can go home and get it or have your parents bring it to you without too much hassle. The Negatives: If you’re hoping to get some distance from your parents, it will be difficult to prevent them from coming to see you all the time. You may not have as many new and diverse experiences because you’re already familiar with the area. You mighthave trouble assimilating into the college community because you'll be able to see your old friends so frequently. It's tempting to go home on weekends instead of hanging out with people at college. You might not get as much exposure to what it’s really like to live on your own if you visit home frequently (being able to do laundry is a valuable skill!). You may get stuck in an emotional rut if your living situation doesn’t change between high school and college. Figuring Out Your Needs After weighing these pros and cons, the most important thing to ask yourself is â€Å"what do I want?†Your personality and goals for college may be more or less suited to living close to home depending on a couple factors.You should ask yourself these three questions: 1. Do You Handle Change Well? If you’ve ever switched schools before, think about whether it was easy for you to adjust to a new environment.If you haven’t actually moved, you might consider the transition from elementary to high school and how it affected you.If you relied on support from your family and took a while to make new friends, you might consider going to school closer to home in case you have a similar experience as a college freshman. This is a tough call though. Keep in mind that going to school close to home could impede your ability to integrate yourself fully into the college community and give you less motivation to make new friends.You might look at schools that are within driving distance of your hometown but not so close by that you’ll be tempted to go home every weekend. Have you ever been away from home for a significant period of time before (2 weeks or more)? If so, how did it feel? Were you eager to go home at the end?Maybe you’ve been to an overnight camp or gone on an exchange program in high school.That experience might be a good model for how you can expect to feel at the beginning of college.If you felt significant homesickness, consider going to school somewhere relatively close by so that you can visit home sometimes. Many people need a more gradual transition from living at home to living at college. Change is scary. 2. Is Cost a Concern for You? As mentioned earlier, you can save a lot of money on tuition and housing if you attend a school near you.If you’re worried about paying for college, nearby schools make great options. State schools usually have a ton of resources for motivated students and offer many merit scholarships in addition to a lower tuition price tag. Try not to base your college decision solely on cost though; this should be considered in conjunction with other reasons for attending your state school.If you really don’t want to go there and you’re just choosing it because it's cheaper, the sacrifice won't be worth the money you’ll save. 3. What Do You Want to Accomplish in College? You also should ask yourself about the resources available at nearby schools. Will they fulfill your needs?Certain areas may have more or less opportunities for jobs and internships.Schools nearby may or may not offer the programs or campus setting you’re looking for.Think about what type of environment you'll prefer in college (urban or rural or somewhere in between) and your tentative major plans to inform your decision. I’ll give you some resources in the next section that will help you understand the characteristics of different schools so you can decide whether a college close to home is really the right choice for you. How to Find Nearby Colleges So, you’re thinking about going to college close to home. How do you find schools that fit your criteria?The simplest way to start is to go to College Navigator, which allows you to search for colleges by zip code or state.You can specify how many miles away from your zip code you want to be and what type of program you’re looking for (you can also search for specific schools, but if you're just checking your options, zip code or state is the place to start).If you click on â€Å"more search options† you can also specify the price range you’re looking for as well as student enrollment, campus setting, and more. This search will give you a comprehensive list of schools along with relevant statistics so you can see whether they'll be good fits for you. You can also compare schools side by side when you add them to your â€Å"favorites† to figure out which is the better option.You can compare schools by price, admissions, enrollment, and retention and graduation rates: College Navigator is a good tool for compiling an initial list of nearby schools that interest you.Once you find a few that sound promising, you might consult other college choice sites to find out more about them.Cappex is the site that I usually recommend because it has hard data about schools as well as student reviews. Go there next to learn more about other factors that might impact your decision.You can create a profile and search for schools that you already found on College Navigator, or you canget matched up with schools on Cappex by creating a profile and specifying how far away from home you want to be and which majors interest you. Conclusion College is a huge transition, and many students feel more comfortable attending school close to home to make it a little less stressful.There are positives and negatives to going to college close to home, but what really matters is how you feel about it.Ask yourself if you're ready for such a dramatic change in your life and if you might need more or less support from your family and old friends.You should also think about the cost of college and whether it’s worth it for you to go out of state and spend more on tuition. What are your goals for the next four years? What do you want to accomplish?Do some self-examination and college research to make sure you're choosing a school that will give you all the opportunities you want for youreself. What's Next? If you're still not sure of the best way to go about your college search process, read my guide to choosing the right college! You should also look at this list of the best online resources for conducting your college search. If you're thinking about attending your state school, read this article on how to get merit scholarships and honors at state schools. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

QDB SME Toolkit GAP Analysis Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

QDB SME Toolkit GAP Analysis Report - Assignment Example However, the document does not deal with the solution of the gaps that are identified in the document. Today, each and every decision from starting a new business to deciding future or improving an existing business is based on availability, accuracy and quality of information. Keeping in view an importance of information the Qatar Development Bank (QDB) developed a toolkit to facilitate the entrepreneurs for starting a new business or to improve an existing business. QDB is a Government entity having responsibility of supporting and developing local Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Qatar. QDB designed and developed SMEs toolkit that is an online counseling service to serve the desires and requirements of Qatari private sector. It is particularly intended to assist an entrepreneur for establishing a new successful small or medium enterprise. It provides an entrepreneur online guidance and information regarding step-by-step business planning, requirements for opening a particular business and checklists. Currently, the QDB toolkit provides information of ten (10) busines s categories that includes Accounting and Finance, Business Planning, Human Resources, International Business, Legal and Insurance, Marketing and Sales, Operations, Technologies, Woman-Owned Businesses and Market Overview. Particularly, the purpose of producing this document is to provide information regarding the existing services currently provided by QDB for the SMEs through the toolkit, The objectives of Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAT) for development of the toolkit, the facilities that are being provided to the entrepreneurs, suggestions for improvement through a thorough GAP analysis along with prevailing best practices for such toolkits. The document compares the performance and usage of the currently designed and developed QDB toolkit and desired future state of the QDB toolkit provided

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cloning in General and Ethics of Cloning Thesis

Cloning in General and Ethics of Cloning - Thesis Example Philosophers have a different point-of-views with regards to the practice of human cloning. In line with this, several philosophers such as the case of Julian Savulescu, Gregory E. Pence, and Nicholas Agar are in support of human cloning practices. On the other hand, philosophers like Leon Richard Kass strongly oppose the practice of biotechnology or human cloning. For instance, a Romania-Australian bioethicist and philosopher named Julian Savulescu published some of his writings in order to argue that the use of stem cell research should be highly promoted regardless of whether or not a person would consider an embryo as a human being. Savulescu argued that parents should be given the opportunity to choose the best child a married couple can have through the study of genetic information. Furthermore, Savulescu explained that the process of killing some embryos can be justifyiable given that the said action could benefit more people in the future (Wilkinson, Kahane and Horne; Kahane and Savulescu). Even though this particular biotechnology would mean killing an embryo or a fetus, Savulescu concludes that embryonic stem cell research should be justified because this process could eventually help the adults have more opportunity for tissue or organ transplantation whenever necessary.An expert in medical ethics and a philosophy professor at the University of Alabama in Birmingham named Gregory E. Pence is one of the few bioethicists who strongly supports the practice of human cloning (Pence).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Christmas - 8th Grade Expository Example Essay Example for Free

Christmas 8th Grade Expository Example Essay â€Å"City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style†¦ In the air, there’s a feeling of Christmas†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My favorite holiday has always been Christmas. I love everything about it! One of the best things about Christmastime is that we get such a long time off from school. In addition to that, my family flies back home to Pennsylvania in December, so we always get to see snow. We also spend time with family and friends playing games and exchanging gifts, which is always a lot of fun. Of all the holidays, I think Christmas is the best! Towards the end of December, we all really need a break, and Christmas Break comes at just the right time, lasting just over two weeks! It’s so nice to have off from school at a time when there’s great holiday music on the radio and great sales in all the stores. Not to mention the fantastic foods filling my plate as I go to all the holiday get-togethers. I don’t like too many gatherings, though, sometimes I just like to rest. I try to spend most of my time on the long break relaxing and enjoying family. Speaking of family, I get to fly back home to Pennsylvania over Christmas Break to visit my relatives. It is always snowy in Pennsylvania in December, so that’s an exciting part our vacation for my sister and me. We go to my cousins’ house and ride four wheelers in the snow, pulling inner tubes behind them. Our parents usually get some great videos of us playing in the snow. Last year we stayed outside so long in a snowstorm, that our hair was caked with snow by the time we came in! It looked like we had white dreadlocks! It is always so fun having adventures with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents back home in Pennsylvania. In addition to all of our snowy adventures, we also spend lots of time indoors with famil y and friends playing games and exchanging gifts. My grandma buys tons of little gifts – mostly candy and dollar store items, but a few nice things, too – that she wraps up and uses as prizes in a game that the whole family plays. There are about twenty of us sitting around her long dining room table, and we roll dice for about two minutes. Whenever anyone rolls doubles, they get to take a present. When all the presents are gone, but there’s still time on the clock, you get to steal someone else’s present! It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s the most fun our family has at the holidays. Spending time with all of my family over Christmas Break is a great time that is very special to me†¦and getting little gifts is an added bonus! Just like most people I know, I think Christmas is the best holiday ever! Having such a long time off from school is a much-needed break in the middle of the school year. Because the break is so long, my family can fit in time to fly back home to Pennsylvania to have some fun playing in the snow. The fun continues indoors with family games and gifts, always a highlight of the vacation. This vacation is something I look forward to all year round. Christmas brings me so much happiness†¦just like those Silver Bells. â€Å"Ring-a-ling†¦.Hear them ring†¦ Soon it will be Christmas Day.†

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Illegal Drugs: Should they be? Essay -- Legalizing Drugs

There are very few people who can honestly claim that current drug policies have been a success. Aside from being ineffective the costly current drug policy of prohibition has created a set of unwanted consequences including; a high prison population of non-violent offenders, corruption, violence, and whole set of health issues. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, â€Å"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.† and despite the failures of the current policy in deterring drug use that is just what the government is choosing to do. Perhaps it’s time to consider a different approach to the drug issue. An approach which will address drug use in an innovative way while solving the problems which prohibition has created and also bring about societal, health, and economic benefits but most importantly it will also give back the individual liberties which prohibition has managed to erode. It’s time to consider the legalization of dr ugs. Drug prohibition has proven a very costly war. And the cost has not only been monetary, drug prohibition has lead to corruption, increase violence, increase inmate population, and it has also infringed upon our civil liberties. Currently the government spends $47.8 billion a year on prohibition enforcement, according to a 2010 Department of Economics, Harvard University report by Jeffrey A. Miron. Yet despite the exorbitant amount of money being spent fighting this â€Å"war on drugs†, drugs are still prevalent on our streets. According to an article published on CBS News website in 2008 by Jennifer Warner, the US leads the world in illegal drug use with a whopping 42.4% of Americans admitting to having tried illegal drugs at least once. In 2009 a the federal Substance Abuse ... ... York Times. 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Sterling, Eric E. "Foreign Policy In Focus | Drug Policy: Failure at Home." Foreign Policy In Focus | Home. 6 Oct. 2005. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. . United States. General Accounting Office. General Government Division. LAW ENFORCEMENT Information on Drug-Related Police Corruption. May 1998. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. Warner, Jennifer. "U.S. Leads The World In Illegal Drug Use - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. 1 July 2008. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. . Wisotsky, Steven. "A Society of Suspects: The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties." USA Today [Farmingdale] July 1993: 17-21. SIRS Researcher. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Babies Having Babies

My life as a teenager would soon be coming to an end and my life as mommy would be coming up faster then expected. It all started June 10th 2012, my family and I had just finished eating our dinner celebrating my achievement of getting my GED. I had received cards, gifts, and even some money from my family members for finally receiving this GED after being out of school for my senior year. Everybody was so happy for me even my dad, which was not a very common emotion for him to express towards me. Unfortunately their happiness would soon be long gone.For it was the night before this that I had five different tests all of which said the same thing in different ways, I was pregnant. I was not ready for this kind of responsibility. I was not ready physically, emotionally, and financially to take care of even myself yet now I had to find a way to provide all of those things for a child. I was only seventeen, turning eighteen in July; I was still a child myself. To many people I would be viewed as a delinquent because of getting pregnant. On the other hand, others might have seen this coming since my mom also had me at a young age.Many also believe all teens who get pregnant will fail. Although these beliefs and views from others were in my head at the time, I knew I needed to tell my family I was pregnant, find out how far along I was, and make a life changing decision. When I decided to tell my mom and stepdad I was terrified. I was so scared they would shun me and tell me they didn’t want me to live with them and they wouldn’t be supportive. I was also afraid my mother would be disappointed in me for following in her footsteps.To my surprise, their reaction was actually the opposite of that. They didn’t judge me at all. In fact they both hugged me and reassured me that everything would be okay and we would all get through this together, like family should. After telling my mom and stepdad I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders because I knew I had the support I needed. My dad on the other hand was not as supportive. He judged me right away and told me I was just trying to be like the people on the shows Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant.He also told me he was disappointed and pretty much shunned me from his life just as he had did to my mom when she was pregnant with me. I was so upset he automatically assumed I was pregnant because of shows on the T. V. However I was even more upset he treated me the same way he treated my mom. My own father, along with many other people, believed I was influenced by people and things around me to become pregnant. Although my dad and other people viewed me as a disgrace and a copy cat, I didn’t let that affect me because I had other things to worry about. One of which was how far along I was.My mom already was way ahead of me for this situation and already called for an appointment with Mayo Clinic to find out how far along I was and to meet my doctor. When we finally went to the ex am room, after countless minutes in the waiting room, the nurse revealed to me that I was eight weeks pregnant. After she went through about forty questions asking about my health she began telling me about services that would help me. Such as: social workers, the WIC program, public health nurses, and counseling groups for young mothers. She also had me do a number of tests to see if I was on drugs or under the influence of some sort.My mom was a little skeptical of this because when she was pregnant with my younger sisters, at a far older age than me, the doctors and nurses did not offer her all these programs nor did they make her take as many drug tests. So the fact that I was a teenager who was pregnant the medical professionals needed to offer these sorts of programs and do those tests. They believed out of most pregnant women that teens will need the most help so they do not fail. I was a teenager and was going to become a teenage mother. The thought of that still gives me sh ivers to this day.Maybe I did need the extra help to lower the chances of failing. Even though these thoughts of failing were present I wanted to look into the other options I had. For the first option adoption, I knew this would be a perfect opportunity to find a family that was more than capable of raising my child and giving it a better life than I could. This option would also give me the opportunity to better my life by going through school without having to worry about a crying baby. However I knew people who have done adoption and they seemed so sad and depressed that their child called some other woman their mom.This made me reconsider the option because I was afraid of just that; seeing my child calling another family theirs. For the second option abortion, I knew that this would be an easy way out. This would be the best way to forget about the whole situation but it was also wrong and a cruel thing to do. If I were to get an abortion I would not only throw myself into the wagon of ‘bad people’ and ‘killers’ but I would get judged by every person who knew of my pregnancy. Since adoption and abortion were both a no go, I only had one option left; to raise the baby myself.This idea frightened me, and I even went back and tried to convince myself that adoption would be a better option. Raising a baby would be stressful and very difficult but the outcome would be worth it. So maybe I could be able to raise a child, I had the support of my family, had a job, and also had enough programs to help me through it all. All of which would lower the chances of me failing. Now all i needed was the little voice in my head to say â€Å"you can do it†. To this day that little voice is screaming those four words louder than ever.Even though others view me as a misfit, disgrace, or a follower to those around me; I know I will do the best I can possibly do to not fail, and to also provide my son with the chance of a good life. By getting the support from at least some of my family members, finding out how far along I was, and choosing the right option to take; I know I can make it through this. I was going to be a teenage mother but I am enrolled in fall courses at RCTC, working food service at Mayo Clinic, and basically growing up for the sake of my child’s future: therefore I could in fact do it, I could raise a child on my own.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reebok: Advertising and Terry Tate

R â€Å"Reebok† case questions 1. How could viral marketing be used to complement or replace traditional media in this case? In this case, Reebok created â€Å"buzz† to attract the potential customers since its markets changed and its target consumers moved their attention away from the traditional media. Therefore, Reebok moved its advertising resource away from magazines and newspapers to online and mobile platform. Moreover, Reebok also advertised at sporting events, such as in NBA basketball games.The ultimate goal of Reebok creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to the potential customers and that the programs may have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals in their communications with others in a short period of time. 2. Evaluate the Terry Tate commercials. Did they increase recognition of the Reebok brand and significantly help build brand equity? Explain. Terry Tate was first aired in 2 003 at the Superbowl. Terry Tate is an American Football player who has been hired by an office firm to administer punishment to those breaking any of the companies’ rules.The way he administers the punishment is by tackling the perpetrators around the office environment. The story in Terry Tate commercial is about the office drama, and the humor in the ad was fairly conveyed to the target audience – Gen Xers between the ages of 25 and 40. The shots of the Terry Tate commercial performs more usual office tasks like making presentations and celebrating a fellow employee’s birthday to show that Terry is fitting in the office environment. Therefore, Terry Tate commercial may successfully create the resonance among its target audiences in the similar office scenes and moments.Reebok found that even though there were great amount viewers of its Terry Tate Super Bowl, its sales and market share did not increase at all. The main reason of this less successful result is   in that Reebok brand was not sufficiently mentioned in the ads. Most of the audiences memorized the Terry Tate character and this office comedy, but few of them recognized that this commercial was created by Reebok. Obviously, Reebok would not successfully  build the strong connection between the Terry Tate commercial video with its brand awareness in consumers’ minds.To sum up, this program did not assist Reebok in earning brand recognition and brand equity since the idea from Reebok did not generate more money from its products, as consumers believe that a product with a well-known name is better than products with less well-known names. 3. Was the central message effective? Was it memorable? Did it generate sufficient levels of positive attitudes towards the brand? Explain. 4. Is this type of communication capable of capturing the attention and influencing Gen X consumers? Explain why or why not.This type of communication is able to capture the attention and influenc e Gen X consumers. In this case, this commercial was an instant hit, flying across the Internet for months as the hottest office comedy joke to hit the air since Office Space. The humor in the ad that resonated so clearly with its target audience, mostly Gen Xers between the age of 25 and 40, was not necessarily attributed to the devastating blows which Tate delivered with the greatest of ease, but rather the office vignettes which transpired before Tate moved in for the kill.Clearly, Gen X consumers were fascinated by Terry Tate and they wanted to know more about him. 5. Recommend a possible viral marketing campaign for Reebok in today’s environment. Great idea!!! I love this one, too. This idea will attract the target audiences and make them involved in â€Å"Me and my Reebok† activity. Traveling and photographing are both the hot issues among GEN Xers. Combining these two factors for the marketing campaign is suitable and it will be appealing to them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Santeria

CUBAN SANTERIA Santeria, which literally means, ‘way of the saints’, originated in Cuba. Santeria is considered an Afro-Cuban religion. It has roots in Africa, specifically the Yoruba people in southwestern Nigeria. When Africans were brought to the New World as slaves, they brought with them their Yoruba religious traditions (Nunez: 3). Slave owners forced them to give up their beliefs and convert to Christianity. However, the slaves persisted and found a way to hide their beliefs with the introduction of Catholicism in Cuba in 1517. They disguised their deities behind the images of Catholic saints so it would seem that they were praying to the saints, but were actually praying to their gods. The secrecy of practicing rites, prayers, and rituals has then become inherent in Santeria. Beliefs in honouring ancestors and the deities and living in balance with the forces of nature are parts of Santeria principles. Santeria is a syncretic religion born from the fusion of Catholic ism and Yoruba religion. In Santeria, the saints and the corresponding orishas are one and the same. Although it contains elements of both religions, Santeria is very different from either one that it is considered a separate religion with its own identity and indigenous to Cuba. Throughout time, the religion has spread into different parts of the world and has faced a few challenges, but still remains consistent because of its adaptive nature. WORSHIP ASHE Ashe is raw cosmic energy or a vital force. Literally, it means, â€Å"so be it† (Gonzalez-Wippler 1989: 5). It is the divine power that Oloddumare (God) used to create the universe. All ashe is directed to Oloddumare. Ashe is a generative power inherent in all things (Mason: 123). Ashe is the sustenance of life. All invocations, rituals, offerings, ceremonies, prayers, and magic are performed to receive ashe from the saints (Gonzalez-Wippler 1989: 5). The universe is moved by ashe.... Free Essays on Santeria Free Essays on Santeria CUBAN SANTERIA Santeria, which literally means, ‘way of the saints’, originated in Cuba. Santeria is considered an Afro-Cuban religion. It has roots in Africa, specifically the Yoruba people in southwestern Nigeria. When Africans were brought to the New World as slaves, they brought with them their Yoruba religious traditions (Nunez: 3). Slave owners forced them to give up their beliefs and convert to Christianity. However, the slaves persisted and found a way to hide their beliefs with the introduction of Catholicism in Cuba in 1517. They disguised their deities behind the images of Catholic saints so it would seem that they were praying to the saints, but were actually praying to their gods. The secrecy of practicing rites, prayers, and rituals has then become inherent in Santeria. Beliefs in honouring ancestors and the deities and living in balance with the forces of nature are parts of Santeria principles. Santeria is a syncretic religion born from the fusion of Catholic ism and Yoruba religion. In Santeria, the saints and the corresponding orishas are one and the same. Although it contains elements of both religions, Santeria is very different from either one that it is considered a separate religion with its own identity and indigenous to Cuba. Throughout time, the religion has spread into different parts of the world and has faced a few challenges, but still remains consistent because of its adaptive nature. WORSHIP ASHE Ashe is raw cosmic energy or a vital force. Literally, it means, â€Å"so be it† (Gonzalez-Wippler 1989: 5). It is the divine power that Oloddumare (God) used to create the universe. All ashe is directed to Oloddumare. Ashe is a generative power inherent in all things (Mason: 123). Ashe is the sustenance of life. All invocations, rituals, offerings, ceremonies, prayers, and magic are performed to receive ashe from the saints (Gonzalez-Wippler 1989: 5). The universe is moved by ashe....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Transmutation Definition and Examples

Transmutation Definition and Examples The word transmutation means something different to a scientist, particularly a physicist or chemist, compared to the ordinary usage of the term. Transmutation Definition (trÄÆ'ns†²myoÍžo-tÄ Ã¢â‚¬ ²shÉ™n) (n) Latin transmutare to change from one form into another.  To transmute is to change from one form or substance into another; to transform or convert. Transmutation is the act or process of transmuting. There are multiple specific definitions of transmutation, depending on the discipline. In the general sense, transmutation is any transformation from one form or species into another on.(Alchemy) Transmutation is the conversion of base elements into precious metals, such as gold or silver. The artificial production of gold, chrysopoeia, was a goal of alchemists, who sough to develop a Philosophers Stone that would be capable of the transmutation. The alchemists attempted to use chemical reactions to achieve transmutation. They were unsuccessful because nuclear reactions are required.(Chemistry) Transmutation is the conversion of one chemical element into another. Element transmutation may occur either naturally or via a synthetic route. Radioactive decay, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion are natural processes by which one element may become another. Scientists most commonly transmute elements by bombarding the nucleus of a target atom with particles, forcing the target to change its atomic number, and thus its elemental identity. Related Terms: Transmute (v), Transmutational (adj), Transmutative (adj), Transmutationist (n)Transmutation Examples The classic goal of alchemy was to turn the base metal  lead into the more valuable metal  gold. While alchemy did not achieve this goal, physicists and chemists learned how to transmute elements. For example, Glenn Seaborg made gold from bismuth in 1980. There are reports that Seaborg also  transmuted a minute quantity of lead into gold, possibly en route via bismuth. However, its much easier to transmute gold into lead:  Ã‚   197Au  Ã‚  n  Ã¢â€ â€™Ã‚  198Au (half life  2.7 days) →  198Hg   n →  199Hg n →  200Hg n →  201Hg n →  202Hg n →  203Hg (half life 47 days) →  203Tl   n →  204Tl (half life 3.8 years) →  204Pb  (half life 1.4x1017  years) The Spallation Neutron Source has transmuted liquid mercury into gold, platinum, and iridium, using particle acceleration. Gold may be made using a nuclear reactor by irradiating mercury or platinum (producing radioactive isotopes). If mercury-196 is used as the starting isotope, slow neutron capture followed by electron capture can produce the single stable isotope, gold-197. Transmutation History The term transmutation may be traced back to the early days of alchemy. By the Middle Ages, attempts at alchemical transmutation were outlawed and alchemists Heinrich Khunrath and Michael Maier exposed fraudulent claims of chrysopoeia. In the 18th century, alchemy was largely supplanted by the science of chemistry, after Antoine Lavoisier and John Dalton proposed atomic theory. The first true observation of transmutation came in 1901, when Frederick Soddy and Ernest Rutherford observed thorium changing into radium via radioactive decay. According to Soddy, he exclaimed, Rutherford, this is transmutation! To which Rutherford replied, For Christs sake, Soddy, dont call it  transmutation. Theyll have our heads off as alchemists!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Summaries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Summaries - Assignment Example The sunject matter must have been significant to induce interest and evidence is necessary ti establish credibility into critical thinking because only truth can attract critical thinking. Understanding relationships between historical events and insights into moral judgment over the events are also significant to a critical approach to understanding history. These features therefore facilitate historical thinking and its significance. 3. Challenges facing teachers of history identify another salient feature of the reading and includes need for many sources, framing history in a complex way and dealing with many alternative perspective. The need to overcome the challenge towards historical thinking makes it important. The scope also establishes a base for promoting history should teachers overcome the challenges. 4. The need to differentiate history from the past, as a way to introduce history to students is another salient idea in the reading. Organized nature of history, unlike the past, is likely to capture students’ interest and help them become historical thinkers. The most interesting passage in the reading is the introductory dialogue among Tony, his wife, and his son. Each of the parties holds positions that allows the reader to identify the need for an in-depth understanding of history, not just presented facts. I also believe that the passage develops interest into the reading’s theme of historical thinking. The reading’s title develops a theme of offering an introduction to historical thinking and its illustration and topics achieves this. by completing the reading, the audience develops background information of historical thinking and interest in it. 1. One of the reading’s salient ideas is the peaceful independence process for Canada. The reading explains that the colonial authority voluntarily ceded their authority over Canada to the Natives in a bid to prevent external

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Smart Growth Anthony Flint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Smart Growth Anthony Flint - Essay Example Planning for the growth of contemporary towns entails early preparation of its entire infrastructure. Urban developers focus on the developments of their towns in aspects that will enhance growth. Sustainability is a significant element during planning for the growth of cities. This is because planners succeed when they ensure that their infrastructure is sustainable. This also implies that appropriate leadership ensures that planning of any project benefits several people. This kind of leadership is likely to establish several policies that facilitate development of practical procedures. For example, the political leadership of a state could create policies that encourage its entire citizenry to acknowledge the value of development. Such policies include the establishment of commissions that focus on developmental issues. The commissions also identify suitable human resources that will ensure the design of creative plans (Randall & Weber 78). There is need for proper legislation that will enable the entire planning of modern towns to be effective. Such legislation is effective because it passes Acts that tend to support the growth of infrastructure. The presence of growth management plans is an essential inclusion in planning strategies. This is because the plans help experts to ensure there is a systematic execution of appropriate strategies that enhance development. These strategies include intentional initiatives that attempt to assess the potential development of infrastructure in several places. Others include the preservation of landscapes that is funded by transfer of taxes from estates. The issue of taxes is fundamental because it helps planners have adequate funds for their various operations. Insufficient funds tend to derail all the procedures that attempt to grow modern towns (Williams 49). Incentives are fascinating ways of encouraging both experts and citizens to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analysis of the Rivalry between Video Games(Playstation, Wii and Xbox) Essay

Analysis of the Rivalry between Video Games(Playstation, Wii and Xbox) - Essay Example Previously, Sega was a prominent player in the industry, however, in current times, the three leaders in the industry; namely, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft, have always been neck-to-neck against each other. Throughout the course of time, Atari began the industry with its 4-bit games and then, Nintendo’s rivalry with Sega spanned throughout the 1980’s and until the middle of 1990’s. Then, Sony launched its Playstation and it took the industry by surprise. Since then Sega stopped its game race while Microsoft entered the market with its Xbox 360. The inclination of the video game companies in the last century circled around the basic factors of competition such as the edge over technology, better diversity of gaming experience and a connection with consumers’ imagination. However, since the last decade, companies have switched their focus to a changing scenario and diverse consumer preferences. Focus has been on wireless and network-enabling features, along with better graphics. The companies claim their products’ value-proposition to be a complete entertainment package and not just a gaming console.The video game industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With early analogue game inventions in the mid 1900s, the video gaming industry has picked up on pace by the end of 1990s. Since then, the industry has never looked back. Various multinational companies and massive customer bases have developed this business into a multi-billion dollar industry. Buyers are literate and in all ages - predominantly preteens, teens and young adults. The game player’s age has increased to 33 and 25% of buyers are over age 50 (Izushi and Aoyama, 2006). Game console is the largest segment in the industry, but online, mobile, PC software and broadband are some of the fastest growing segments. In the past decade, the video gaming industry has been growing sharply and is expected continue to grow in the future. The growth ra te of global video games has been very healthy especially since 2000; the market size increased from 24,352 million in 2000 to 51,292 million in 2010 (Competition in the Video Game Console Industry: Nintendo, Sony, And Microsoft Battle For Supremacy, 2009).   The industry comprises of numerous game developers, however, the top companies are only a handful, while others are niche players. According to a research mentioned in the article ‘Competition in the Video Game Console Industry: Nintendo, Sony, And Microsoft Battle For Supremacy’, there are only 3 major players; Sony, Xbox and Nintendo. Broadly speaking, research found 6 leading video game consoles appeal to generate large-volume sales of new units in 2007: namely, Microsoft’s Xbox 360; Sony PlayStation 3 and hand-held PSP; and Nintendo’s Wii, Game Boy Advance, and DS/DS Lite. The major markets for these companies for business is the US and Asia market. The report discusses the business rivalry pers istent in the video game industry worldwide. Through the course of this report, the reader can find brief cases of each major game developer and the nature of rivalries

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Case Study Theory Guided Practice Evidence Based Practice Nursing Essay

Case Study Theory Guided Practice Evidence Based Practice Nursing Essay This paper is a presentation of the board of the hospital which will present the arguments from two committees; an evidence-based committee and theory-based committee. A summarized report of each committees presentation is included on why the hospital should implement integrated evidenced-based practice (EBP) or theory-based practice into their clinical setting. After analysing the arguments and supporting points of both sides, merits and drawbacks of the implementation of each practice were taken into account and put forward. Finally, the rationale and recommendation for a theory-guided, evidence-based nursing approach will be asserted. The evidence-guided committee states that by implementing an evidence-based approach into the hospital, nurses will be able to make clinical decisions using current best research evidence. This is then blended with approved policies and clinical guidelines, clinical expertise and judgment, and patient preferences (). They argue that EBP will improve clients present and future health outcomes. The committee brought into example a study done in a hospital setting using research-based nursing intervention. The study found that 72% of the clients had 28% better outcomes physically, behaviourally, intellectually, and socio-psychologically when evidence-based practice (1988). They stressed the importance of integrating the best sound evidence of client care in the nursing profession with an aim to improve that care. The committee also believes that EBP will help to narrow the existing gap between research and practice. When EBP is utilized, nurses will be able to use research finding to establish or guide their actions in clinical settings. They will no longer rely on fads or the advice of colleagues that may not be valid or reliable (). In addition, EBP will increase the availability and utilization of quality research that is based on randomised controlled trail designs (). This will in turn help nurses to keep up with the large amounts of continuously yield research findings and will allow them to utilize rigorous research rather than methodologically weak and unreliable research (). The theory-guided committee argued that implementing a conceptual approach in clinical practice would facilitate processes that significantly benefit clients, nurses, the healthcare system and the broader environment (). Theory would provide nurses with a purpose in their clinical practice while giving them a perspective with which to view clients situations. By implementing theory-based practice nurses, we would be able to systematize, analyse and interpret the daily experiences and information gained from providing care to clients. This in turn would help nurses better manipulate outcomes of the care provided, better communicate with clients and other health care professionals and make their practice more efficient overall. Theory-guided nursing practice will make nursing a unique profession with its own boundaries and will help guide the direction the profession to follow in the future. The theory-based committee also provided examples of applying major human science theories into practice and strongly urged us to designate a specific theory to guide the nursing practice within the hospital. Some examples include Parses theory of human becoming and the formation of meaning to health and quality of life, and Newmans theory of expanding consciousness and pattern recognition through the collaboration with clients. They described a hospice setting and how such theories can be implemented to dying clients and their families. For example, if the practice is guided by Parses theory, the nurse is able to provide an individualized care to clients, viewing each client as a unique human being and an expert of his or her own life. Another example given was towards clients with disabilities. When the practice is guided by Newmans theory, nurses are able to form relationships with their clients and find an unfolding pattern in their lives. In this way both are able to expand thei r consciousness; nurses and clients are able to grow, find new meanings in life, and form new and deeper relationships. Many nurses reported that when such theories were implemented in clinical settings, their job was more rewarding and professional, in turn improving both client and nurse satisfaction (). The committee argues that implementing theory based practice will help nurses understand clients better and in turn improve clients health and well-being, as well as provide the nurses with a unique body of knowledge. After closely listening to both committees it is clear that both EBP and theory-based practice have both advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, when EBP is used, some nurses might find it difficult to incorporate it into the clinical setting as they might simply not understand how to do so, or they may lack the knowledge and skill of interpreting research finding and applying them to practice. Whereas, when theory-guided practice is used to guide nurses thinking and actions, nurses can better comprehend and put meaning to what they are doing and why. Furthermore, time constrains can impede nurses from utilizing EBP (Canadian Nurses Association, 2004). Nurses often have heavy workloads and so can be too busy to engage in such practices. In addition, nurses may not have the appropriate access to current information and resources to support the search for new knowledge. For example, hospital libraries may not have current research journals. Nurses may also find it difficult to implement theory-based practice into clinical settings. Nurses may have hard time to decide how and in what situations to apply theory as they may not have a clear understanding of or may not recognize the principles and concepts related to client care and needs. In fact, there is very little material in the literature relating to the application of theory to modern practice. All of the later contributes further to the already existing theory-practice gap. Moreover, nursing theory in the literature often is subjective and focuses on restricted, ideal situations. Nursing theory often describes how nursing practice should be rather than how it really is in real life situations. In fact, the knowledge of theory does not always produce good practice. As observed by Allmark (1995), practice development and progression many times lacks theoretical base. Therefore, we must be vigilant in the conscientious application of nursing theory to relevant situati ons. If used effectively, both EBP and theory-based practice can greatly contribute to nursing practice. EBP is a universally applicable phenomenon which uses up-to-date top research evidences and facilitates sound judgment in clinical settings and cost-effective care. It can also promote nurses and students alike to question common clinical practice actions. Nursing theory can create new ideas and help put forward solutions to the many problems that are encountered in the experiential world of the clinical setting. Whereas nursing theory puts greater emphasis on client centered care, EBP also considers client preferences and so together they can ensure a more client centered approach. This way, clients and nurses will be able to engage in a therapeutic relationship, where trust, acceptance and mutuality are co-created by nursing and client, improving quality of care. I believe that theory guided practice in a way allows EBP to progress by generating conceptual problems. I think that integrating both EBP and theory based practice would yield the best results for both clients and nurses alike. It would lead to improved professional autonomy and give nurses a unique identity that guides our practice by what we know rather than by delegating nursing responsibilities. Also, nurses will be able to care for clients in a way that improves their health and well being within their own environments. Nursing theory can be used to provide guidance in creating and implementing evidence-based practice. In order to make a theory-guided, evidence-based practice possible and narrow the gap between research, theory and practice, a number of factors must be considered and addressed. Firstly, to help narrow the theory-practice gap, theory development should be targeted towards nurse educators as well as nurse practitioners. Institutions must make efforts to promote theory and practice as a whole unit rather than separate nursing actions. This in turn will help nurses apply relevance to academic knowledge in clinical practice. Students and nurses should also be exposed to theoretical principles more often. As well, effective guidelines for the application of theory in nursing practice should be developed and encouraged to be utilized. Furthermore, EBP can also be incorporated in educational faculties such as universities and within practice settings themselves. Hospitals should incorporate programs, seminars, orientation sessions, workshops and offer nurses continuing education courses that will focus on theoretical concepts and principles as well as skills such as searching and critiquing research and applying it to practice. Other programs can also be developed that will train nurses and focus on improving their knowledge and skill to critically evaluate research findings and its effect of their practice. Moreover, hospitals should have libraries near or within the clinical setting that will include current research journals in the libraries. Hospitals should also provide internet access in the clinical setting with good databases containing theory-based and evidence-based research articles. Hospitals should also implement policies, procedures and practice guidelines that are based on current evidence. It is also important for the theorists and researchers to directly participate in clinical settings. This will allow them to base their theories or research on real life experiences and use a language that could be easily understood by nurses. Moreover, it is essential to support information-seeking behaviours that demonstrate the use of present evidence- based and theory based practices. By promoting the benefits of EBP and theory-based practice, nurses can be the change champions who implement the best of both practices. Raudonis, B., Acton, G. (1997). Theory-based nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(1), 138-145. Canadian Nurses Association (2004). Making Best Practice Guidelines a Reality from Nursing Now: Issues and Trends in Canadian Nursing, No 17, 1-4.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Violence in Youth Sports Essay -- essays papers

Violence in Youth Sports A calm Saturday afternoon at the sports fields, wind blowing, sun shining down, not a cloud in the sky. This is quite possible the perfect day, that is, until they start. The one parent in the back of the crowd or off to the side, the one that argues every call, screams at their own child, and even goes so far as to taunt the other team’s players. This once scarce phenomenon of parents getting out of control has escalated to new levels not only in the number of incidents, but also in the level of severity of these incidents. When children sign up for sports they do it to be with friends, to have fun, and to learn the fundamentals of the game, however this is not what they are getting and this new parental behavior is killing youth sports. It is documented that 14 million of the 20 million kids that play sports starting around age four will quit by age 13, most kids give the same two reasons, negative parents and negative coaches. These adults have turned sports into a n egative, joyless experience. What are these events that are happening, what is causing them to happen, and perhaps most importantly what can be done stop this growing trend in parental violence at youth sporting events? Though some sports are more violent that others as far as play goes, the rising level of violence has not been limited to any particular sport, ranging from non-contact sports like swimming and baseball to contact sports like soccer, football, and hockey. During a girls hockey game in Canada last year a 40 year old man aimed a laser pointer into the eyes of three of his daughter’s opponents, causing them to leave the ice complaining of headaches and flu-like symptoms. The man pleaded guilty in court to mischief and was banned from attending future games. In Pennsylvania a policeman gave a 10-year-old little league pitcher two dollars for hitting an opponent with a fastball, earning him a conviction for the corruption of a minor and solicitation to commit simple assault. In another incident involving a man of the law, a former corrections officer assaulted a 16-year-old referee at a flag football game for six and seven year olds in Nebraska. The tape of the incident shows the 6’3† 250 pound father poking the youth in the chest, when the 160 pound referee tried to defend himself by slapping away the father’s hand, the father punched him t... ...orts fields, pools, and rinks might resemble something out of a Jerry Springer show, if not worse. Parents are ruining the sports that they themselves grew up loving and enjoying, and for what reason, to get one more chance at the greatness that they never achieved? Parents need to understand that kids play sports to have fun, they need to take the perspective of a child and see what their inappropriate behavior is doing, not only to the child, but to the game, and youth sports in general. Most incidents that occur at sporting events do not make the headlines, but that too was true of school violence until the massacre at Columbine High School, let us all hope that this is not the tipping point of American youth sports. As supporters of youth sports we must hope that the incident in Reading, Massachusetts will not be the opening of the floodgates that will let forth the stream of bloodshed on our sports fields. Bibliography: 1. Newsmagazine (Alberta Edition), 10-09-00, Vol.27 Issue 11, p50. 2. Sports Illustrated, 7-24-00, Vol.93 Issue 4, p86. 3. U.S. News and World Report, 7-24-00, vol.129 Issue 4, p28. 4. Varsity Blues, Music Television Productions, 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Impact of the End of the Cold War on Us Foreign Policy

Discuss the impact of the end of the Cold War on US foreign policy Introduction: When the world famous liberal thinker Francis Fukuyama in his masterpiece declared that we were witnessing the end of the history, he was greeting the new political structure and also the new international environment, which is peaceful[1]. However, developments that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union showed us that the dissolution of the Soviets was unexpected. The international society was not ready for peace and Fukuyama’s optimistic assumptions were far from becoming real. Moreover, the international society currently started to realise that the tension and the potential of mass destructive war during the Cold War era had provided a much more stable and securitize world order for any other periods of the history. Recent developments that occurred after 9/11 attacks showed us that the world is not much securer due to the characteristics of this new type of threat which is commonly known and referred as terrorism. As being the flagship of the Western powers during the Cold War, the US is facing with much more pressure than before. Post- Cold war developments proved that although the US has the leadership features and military superiority against conventional threats or in other words ‘known’ enemies, it is still lacking of showing the same attributes in the Post-cold War era. This paper is going to analyse the impact of the end of the Cold War on US foreign policy. In order to do it so, it will provide historic background information on Cold War era and also the developments occurred after. Later on this paper will focus on the shifts that occurred in the American foreign policy after the Cold War. Basics of the Cold War Policies: For almost five decades the Cold War was the main stage for the evolution of international relations. Many institutions, political or military organisations and even international norms and regulations of the Cold War are setting the base even for the modern day politics. Hence the legacy of the Cold War era is still shaping the political, economic and social relationships within, and also in between the states. Although there is no specific agreement between the historians on when it began, the Cold War is the name given to approximately 50 years long conflict between the Communist block led by Soviet Union and the Western nations led by United States of America. Cold War was a conflict, which did not include any direct military engagements between these two parties. On the other hand, it was fought by various types of means including diplomatic, economic and mostly by propaganda. In general basics of the Cold War era can be grouped under 4 categories. These are: 1) Bipolar System: The primary outcome of the Second World War probably was the emergence of two superpowers which created a new and never been before experienced system anytime in the history of international relations called bipolar system. A bipolar system includes two evenly matched powers in this case The US and the Soviet Union. Once allies during and opponents after the Second World War, these two victorious states have became the main actors of the world politics for over 50 years. 2) The US Foreign Policy of Containment: The Soviet Union and its supporters were declared as the enemy of the free world by the Western states mostly by the US during the Cold War. Although it has been argued that the first indications of hostility between these two states have emerged during The Yalta and Potsdam conferences[2], the first arguments on the soviet threat have taken place between the American decision makers in late 1940s[3]. The main idea during these arguments was focusing on the essential importance of containing the Soviets, both politically and geographically in order to save and protect the US interests in overseas. In his reply to the US Treasury Department, George Kennan a former American diplomat, mentioned the expansionist policies of the Soviets and suggested that the US should follow an active foreign policy approach in order to ‘contain’ the Soviets in its current (by late 40s) geographic borders[4]. In following years, when the Truman Doctrine came into action the idea of containment has also become one of the main strategies of the US against its opponent, the Soviets. 3) Crisis without Major Conflicts: Dissimilarity between the two blocs have produced a series of international crises during the Cold War such as the Soviets intervention in Germany/Berlin (1948), Korean War (1950-1953), Cuban Crisis (1962), Although both parties did not fight or exchange fire against each other. However, they did support the fighting groups and pick sides during these crises according to their national interests. 4) Second Strike Capability & Mutual Assured Destruction: Both superpowers of the Cold War era were also nuclear powers. They had highly effective and destructive nuclear weapons in their arsenal. Their nuclear capabilities were the main reason for the tension in the international society, during the Cold War. On the other hand, however this capability of theirs was also the reason why they were no major conflicts or military clashes between these super powers. Each party had the ability to respond to a nuclear attack with powerful nuclear retaliation against the attacking party[5]. This ability is called second-strike capability. Obviously as a result of this nuclear capacity both parties could have completely created a nuclear destruction not only for each other but also for the rest of the world as well[6]. That is why non- of the superpowers dared to attack the other one with its nuclear powers in order to eliminate the opposition, hostility, competition etc. The competition and increasing awareness on democratic rights did force the Soviets to stand back and make some major policy changes in 1980s. The Soviet Premier of the time Gorbachev tried to set some political and social reforms in the soviet society in order to ease the pressure and help Soviets to continue to survive in the international arena. Moreover, the Soviets did not only make shifts in their internal policies but also in their foreign policy understanding as well. For instance withdrawal from Afghanistan, signing of various nuclear deterrence agreements with multi parties including the US are some of the key changes that occurred in the 1980s. However, the reforms of Gorbachev did not prevent the Soviets to stop its collapse and eventually after a series of events in 1991 the Soviet Union formally announced its dissolution[7]. The First Ten Years: Although the indications were present well before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world was not completely ready for the end of the Cold War. The US was left alone without any major balancing opponents. Furthermore, after the dissolution of the Soviets the numbers of newly established independent states have increased significantly. All these new states were lacking of self-governing capabilities and also the Western vision, which was the victorious ideology of the Cold war. Moreover, some researchers courageously support the idea that international environment during the Cold War was much more safer and less hazardous system for the global security issues. Historian Paul Dukes criticizes the former American decision makers of the Cold War for only â€Å"trying to save the day† but not working for the future[8]. He suggests that due to the lack of long-term policies of the US administrators, the world had to face with too many new issues and problems at the same time with of the Cold War[9]. If we generalize the facts before we start analysing the American foreign policy approach to the end of the Cold War, we can see that there are now much more various types of threats then it used to be. The lack of long-term policies has got the world into an uncertainty. Not only the US but also most of the states got caught out without any preparation to the circumstances of the end of the Cold War. That is way the first decade after the Cold War had a crucial importance for the US to establish, promote and also to maintain its supremacy and leadership around the world. We have seen the effects of the reforms occurred during the 1980s in the Soviet Union on the previous chapters. When these reforms combined with the ne Soviet policy of compromising have eased the tension and created a new dialogue between two superpowers. The first real challenge of the post-Cold War era was the Gulf War. Despite its historic connections in the UN Security Council meeting the Soviets (later Russian Federation) agreed to take economic sanctions against Iraq[10]. Although it seemed like the first positive international attitude towards a multi polar political system, the US policy makers misinterpreted the facts and started to crate a hegemonic power. The first real post-Cold War indication for America’s attempts to build a hegemonic power is the so-called New World Order (NWO) doctrine of the Senior Bush’s administration. The NOW came as a response from the US after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi military forces[11]. On September 11, 1990 former US president G. H. Bush addressed the nation prior to a joint session of Congress and underlined the ideals that the US is willing to fight for[12]. Some of the points that Bush underlined are: ? A new structure of international system based on international law and norms under the leadership of the West (particularly the US) ? International cooperation on the issues of nuclear disarmament and the promotion of collective peace ? An integrated international financial structure International cooperation on regional issues. In other words lesser sovereignty and much more international/humanitarian interventions[13]. Bush’s NWO have been criticised by various social scientists. In his 1992 article Joseph Nye categorises the NWO as a traditionally realist documentation, due to key points that was emphasised in it such as the leadership of the US [14]. Howev er, another political scientist Freedman argues that the NWO gives special importance to the UN and other multinational institutions and that is why it should be seen as a statement of liberalism and also the promotion of liberal values and norms[15]. No matter whose opinion is correct, Bush’s NWO is a fine statement of the US foreign policy makers on the Western leadership in the world politics. There is a significant increase on the numbers of US supported ‘humanitarian interventions’ since the end of the Cold War. One of the main reasons for this suitable environment for humanitarian intervention is the emergence of the newly established former communist states. Since the declaration of the NWO the US got more involved in world politics not only under the Bush administration but also under Bush’s successors. Many of these humanitarian interventions, took place under the president Clinton’s administration especially in the Balkans. In order to understand the logic of these interventions it is essential to point out the main focuses of the Clinton administration. A few weeks after he took the office President Clinton mentioned the new challenges of the post-Cold War world on a speech at the American University. These challenges and goals are: ? â€Å"To restore the American economy to good health; ? to increase the importance attached to trade and open markets for American business; to help the developing countries grow faster; ? to promote democracy in Russia and elsewhere; ? to demonstrate US leadership in the global economy[16]† The former communist states experienced series of problems during their transition periods. They not only suffered from disintegration but also they were also â€Å"forced to redefine their national interest and roles in the light of the radical c hange in the international balance of power†[17]. As a consequence of establishing a sovereign nation state, especially in the Balkans, nationalistic movements grew and tuned into violent acts. The lack of an opposing superpower helped the US to carry out the flag and start creating its global leadership. The US and its Northern Atlantic allies lunched series of military and civilian actions in order to ease the violence especially in the Balkans. During the Clinton administration US led coalition forces carried out more than 20 military missions in Yugoslavia to put an end to the ongoing violence. Main critics for the US supported missions came from a very familiar place. Although NATO eased the tension in the Balkans with its operations, the Russia was critical of the NATO operations in the Balkans. Russia prepared a resolution proposal to the UN Security Council to condemn NATO actions in Yugoslavia, though, the proposal was defeated 12-3 during the Security Council meeting, with only Russia, Namibia and China voting in favor of the resolution while NATO member countries along with the temporary members of the Security Council voted against it[18]. Hence, in general due to the sudden changes in the world politics it can be assumed that the uncertain environment and the need of a leading power led the international society to show full support on the US policies and foreign actions. Post-post Cold War? : The tragic events of the September 11, 2001did not create a new era such as post-post Cold War. However, they did assist to end a decade of positivity[19]. The attacks have generated a new era and a dimension not only for the US policies but also for the rest of the world as well specifically on the issues of global security. Although the G. W. Bush administration got the full support of international society after the attacks and even during the Afghanistan intervention, with the start of the campaign against Iraq and Saddam Hussein regime the US started to lose its supporters. The US lost its soft power over the other states and even after President Obama took the office in 2008 elections it looks like the decline will continue. Conclusion: Since the declaration of the Truman Doctrine until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the tension between two major blocks led to many crucial events, which have changed the context of the international relations and also re-framed the understanding of the world politics. The effects of these major events, which occurred during the Cold War, are traceable in contemporary world politics and also in the working structure of today's international society. On the other hand, it should be noted that no matter how important are these Cold War based policies, the collapse of the Soviet Union has brought up a new dimension to the international relations. In general the international society faced with new radical changes with the end of the Cold War. The World has seen the implementation of various types of new policy changes in both Western and Eastern blocks. For example instead of fighting with communism the US changed its role as the promoter and the fighter of the democracy and also the global security[20]. Furthermore, the former communist states focused and forced to rethink on issues of transition and liberalisation as well[21]. The US leadership started to lose its connective power within the first decade of the post 9/11 era. Unfortunately the Bush administration misread the consequences of both post-Cold War and also September 11 attacks. The administration acted much more unilaterally then its predecessor and also its successor. The support on the US supremacy/ leadership will continue to decline unless the US foreign policy makers start to interpreting correctly the current world system. The World is no longer a secure place. International cooperation and partnership is an essential element in order to fill in the vacuum that created after the Cold War. Reference List Cameron, F US Foreign Policy after the Cold War, Routledge, Second Edition, 2006 Crockatt, R ‘The end of the cold war’, in J Baylis & S Smith (eds), The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford Press, Second Edition, 2001 Dukes, P ‘A long view of the cold war’, History Today, vol. 51, issue. 1, 2006, retrieved on 20 September 2011, Evans, G & Newnham, J The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin, 1998 Freedman, L ‘ Order and Disorder in the new world’, Foreign Affairs, Winter 1992 [22] Fukuyama, F ‘The end of history’, in G Tuthail & S Dalby(eds), The Geopolitics Reader, Routledge, Second Edition, 2006 Hass, R. N. ‘Defining U. S. foreign policy in a post cold war world’, The DISAM Journal, Fall 2002/Winter 2003 Kennan, G. F Memoirs 1925-1950, Pantheon, 1983 Kessler, B. R ‘ Bush’s new world order: The meaning behind the words’, Air Command and Staff Collage, ACSC Research Department NSW, 1997 Mingst, K Essentials of international Relations, Norton & Company, Second Edition, 2003 Nye, J. S ‘What new world order? Foreign Affairs, Spring 1992 Petherick C. J, ‘Bush announces new world financial order’, American Free Press, December 2008, retrieved on 21 September 2011, Sokoloski, H. D Getting MAD: Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction, Its Origins and Practice, Strategic Studies Institute, November 2004 ‘T he Yalta and Potsdam conferences’, BBC UK, retrieved on 20 September 2011, ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’, Encyclopedia Britannica, retrieved on 21 September 2011, Williams, I ‘Balkan crisis report: The UN’s surprising support’, Institute for War and Peace, 19 April 1999, retrieved on 21 September 2011, ———————– 1] Fukuyama, F ‘The end of history’, in G Tuthail & S Dalby(eds), The Geopolitics Reader, Routledge, Second Edition, 2006, pp. 107 – 114 [2] ‘The Yalta and Potsdam conferences’, BBC UK, retrieved on 20 September 2011, [3] Mingst, K Essentials of international Relations, Norton & Company, Second Edition, 2003, p. 40 [4] Kennan, G. F Memoirs 1925-1950, Pantheon, 1983, p. 356 [5] Evans, G & Newnham, J The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin, 1998, p. 487 [6] Sokoloski, H. D Getting MAD: Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction, Its Origins and Practice, Strategic Studies Institute, November 2004, p. 5 [7] ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’, Encyclopedia Britannica, retrieved on 21 September 2011, [8] Dukes, P ‘A long view of the cold war’, History Today, vol. 51, issue. 1, 2006, retrieved on 20 September 2011, [9] ibid. [10] ibid. [11] Mingst. op. cit. , p. 54 [12] Petherick C. J, ‘Bush announces new world financial order’, American Free Press, December 2008, retrieved on 21 September 2011, [13] Kessler, B. R ‘ Bush’s new world order: The meaning behind the words’, Air Command and Staff Collage, ACSC Research Department NSW, 1997, pp. 2-4 [14] Nye, J. S ‘What new world order? ’ Foreign Affairs, Spring 1992, p. 84 [15] Freedman, L Order and Disorder in the new world’, Foreign Affairs, Winter 1992, p. 22 [16] Cameron, F US Foreign Policy after the Cold War, Routledge, Second Edition, 2006, p. 19 [17] Crockatt, R ‘The end of the cold war’, in J Baylis & S Smith (eds), The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford Press, Second Edition, 2001, p. 93 [18] Williams, I ‘Balkan crisis report: The UN’s surprising support’, Institute for War and Peace, 19 April 1999, retrieved on 21 September 2011, [19] Hass, R. N. ‘Defining U. S. foreign policy in a post cold war world’, The DISAM Journal, Fall 2002/Winter 2003, p. 31 [20] Crockatt, op. cit. p. 93 [21] ibid.