Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Plastic Surgery Ethics Essay - 1605 Words

Plastic surgery is a rapidly evolving field spread around the world. Plastic surgery deals with human appearance and is becoming a more profitable business throughout the years. It is divided into two sections, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. An ethical dilemma that corresponds to plastic surgery is the loss of human values patients encounter once they undergo surgery. Also, individuals that depend on cosmetic surgery detract from patients that are in urgent need of these procedures. The replacement of misleading values, pride and, joy through surgery creates unrealistic dreams for patients. The patient and doctor relationship created under these circumstances is viewed as a therapeutic purpose due to the feeling of being â€Å"healed†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The abuse of plastic surgery over the years has gotten out of control. Due to the high demand for fillers, laser, and Botox, physicians perform cosmetic procedures that are non-surgical with no training. Societ y has unofficially banned wrinkles, fat deposits, and sun-damaged skin. An ethical concern for patients and healthcare providers is that these so-called problems should be enhanced and dealt with rather than result in aesthetic surgery. Although body image is important to certain people, the outer image does not define a human being. â€Å"The real value of a person cannot be reduced to his/her appearance, and medicine as an art, should feel the obligation to resist these modern ideologies and should attempt to help people get a more authentic attitude about themselves.† (Mousavi, 2010) If a person is unhappy with himself or herself, they should rely on a more natural solution. Aesthetic surgery should only be an option for people that have suffered an accident or born with a deformity. Having small lips, tiny wrinkles, beauty marks, or dark hair is not a deformity, they’re simply things the body produces over the years. 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