Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Eulogy for Mother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Mother Thank you all -- for coming to commemorate my mother’s life. Before I go on to celebrate my mother and what she stood for I must share with you the reality of what life was like for my mother and the family since she was first diagnosed with cancer in October. Of course, nobody suffered more than my mother, but Dad you’re definitely second. We all shared my mother’s pain. It was like we were all on trial.   At any one point, as a family, we were in denial, we were angry, or we were depressed. And there was conflict. We disagreed with the doctor’s findings. We didn’t always agree with each other on a course of action. It was a confusing time.   In the end I felt we all put up a good fight. We did what we could do. I have to ask myself what my mother would want for us right now.   I think she’d want us to heal ourselves and move on. She’d want us to talk with our creator and deal with her death in our own way, but also put her death behind us and live a life that she would be proud of.   I would like to thank all of you for coming here today to help us, as a family, to heal, and to celebrate my mother’s life. So how many square dancers did I meet yesterday? Dozens? A hundred? You guys rock! What a spirit I see in you. For me, thoughts of my mother dozy-dooing alamand lefting around the dance floor makes me feel good inside. Thanks to all of you for showing up here today. I see a few people she used to work with at CFB Borden. How she ever got up at 4AM to work those shifts, I’ll never know. Thank you for coming out. I’m glad we have Maurice, my mother’s younger brother here today. Ella, her older sister, unfortunately couldn’t make it, but I know the news of my mothers death hit her hard. And I know that she prayed with all her will, for my mother. It was nice to meet a cousin I hadn’t met before. Mark and his wife Michelle drove up from Michigan to be here with us today. Thank you. And what of the children in our family? Shawn, Kelsey, Sarah, Michael, Emily and Matthew, you should take comfort knowing that your grandmother is in heaven right now, looking down on us.

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