Thursday, September 12, 2019

Brand Image and Corporate Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brand Image and Corporate Identity - Essay Example The two elements, brand name, and corporate identity must be addressed for the success of the firm. A brand name offers a distinction between a company’s product and other substitutes in the market. The main aim of the brand name is to enable customers to distinguish a particular product from a pool of substitutes. An effective marketing plan includes a brand name that the organization holds onto to enhance better response from customers. Marketing executives create unique brand names that are attractive to the customers and also create a clear distinction with other products such that customers can easily memorize and identify the brand. A successful brand name must be relevant, coherent, differentiated and be able to create a reputation. One of the firms that have a successful brand name is The Coca-Cola Company. Its brand name, Coca-Cola, has stood out in the face of stiff competition. The brand name is common to many soft drink buyers around the globe. The company uses its one brand name strategy to penetrate new markets and also maintain its existing market share (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel 2010). The brand, Coca-Cola, is known in virtually every household and thus cannot be confused with any other brand. A Brand name is made to stick into the target market and create a long-lasting loyalty to the brand despite other shortcomings of the firm (Berens, Riel & Bruggen 2005). Every product of a firm contains the brand name that acts as the marketing cornerstone. As such, marketers must ensure that the brand name is capable of attracting the target audience and also promote it aggressively so that it reigns in purchasing decisions made in the target market. Moreover, a brand name enhances the investors’ perception of the products of the firm and thus attracts investors, shareholders, and creditors.The corporate identity of a firm represents the general or the overall way.

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